Welcome to MVEA

Manager’s Messages

Tree Trimming – Here we come!

Dear Residents,
Mission Viejo Environmental has contracted with Park West for quarterly tree trimming. Please note that the upcoming tree trimming will be affecting Increment 2 & 6. The project will begin Monday, September 30th through October 14th, weather permitting.

Please refer to the phasing below and AVOID parking in the marked areas during the listed dates from 7:00 AM– 2:30 PM.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Increment 2:

Increment 6


Pathway Repair Project

Dear M.V.E.A. Resident,

In an effort to improve the appearance and prolong the life of the pathways, the Board of Directors has contracted with City Service Paving/MGB Construction, to make some repairs and seal coat all the M.V.E.A. path-ways. Please make note of all path closure information below.

Phase 1 – REPAIRS (July 18th, 2024)

Repairs have been scheduled for July 18th. See below maps for affected areas. These areas will be closed throughout the day and re-opened on July 19th. Please note that there will be no access to the affected areas during this time. Heavy equipment is required to make repairs and work zones can be dangerous. Please alert all friends, family members and visitors of the closure.

Phase 2 – SEAL COAT (August 14th, 2024)

There will be three (3) crews working through the M.V.E.A. pathways starting at 7AM. The
pathways will remain closed from August 14th through August 15th and re-open on August 16th. This is to allow the seal coat to be completely dry. All cones will be removed by authorized personnel. Please do not walk around the cones as they symbolize the closure of the pathway.

It is important that all vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, skateboards, pets, etc… are kept away from the area as the seal coat will be wet. Wet seal can track and stain anything it comes in contact with. Anyone seen inside the work area will be held financially responsible for any needed repairs. Please stay out of the work area until it is reopened by authorized personnel. in the interim, you may use the concrete sidewalks to move around the community.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please
Dolores Mendez, General Manager.


Results of January 4, 2024 Election

Your Association’s Annual Meeting of the Members was held on January 4, 2024. Three seats were up for election on the Board. The Election of Directors was successfully completed. Three (2) Directors were elected to serve a two (2) year term.

            NAMES OF CANDIDATE(S)                                        NUMBER OF VOTES CAST

            Peter Vallier                                                                  1,208  

            Deanna DeRosa                                                             1,328 

            WRITE IN CANDIDATE(S)                                          NUMBER OF VOTES CAST

            N/A                                                                              N/A

The following Directors were elected onto the Board to fulfill the following term requirements:

            NAME OF DIRECTOR ELECTED                                TERM

           Deanna DeRosa                                                        2-year term

           Peter Vallier                                                                  2-year term       

Lastly, the members present further voted to approve the January 5, 2023 Annual Meeting Minutes as presented.

Board of Directors

Mission Viejo Environmental Association


Seasonal Lighting Changes

Seasonal lighting is permitted without Architectural Committee approval October 15th – January 15 only.


Older Entries>>

Quarterly Assessment

P.O. Box 25013
Santa Ana, CA 92799-5013

Management Team

Ryan Lancaster| rlancaster@actionlife.com

Katie Greer | masoc@actionlife.com

Management Company

Action Property Management
Corporate Office
320 Commerce, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92602
phone | (949) 450-0202
fax | (949) 450-0303